Discord settings

Discord settings can be customized to filter events and/or customize the format of messages sent.


To filter messages, you need to provide a list of events you want to be sent, and set no customization.

The name of the events can be found in miner/src/main/java/fr/rakambda/channelpointsminer/miner/event/impl as the name of the classes (name of the file without .java).

Example to sent only 3 type of events with default format
  "accounts" : [
      "discord" : {
        "embeds" : false,
        "webhookUrl" : "https://my-webhook-url",
        "events" : {
          "DropClaimedEvent" : {},
          "MinerStartedEvent" : {},
          "PointsSpentEvent" : {}


Format works the same way as filtering except that additional parameters are provided.

Placeholders are expected to be between braces, example: {placeholder_name}. Available values can be seen in EventVariableKey.

If you want to override the format of one event, you’ll have to do the all as it’ll also act as a filter.
Example of filtering 2 events with 1 having a custom format
  "accounts" : [
      "discord" : {
        "embeds" : false,
        "webhookUrl" : "https://my-webhook-url",
        "events" : {
          "DropClaimedEvent" : {},
          "MinerStartedEvent" : {
            "format" : "Oh my, the miner started for my account {username} and it uses the brand new version {version}!"